Esther & Co. is a proud supporter of Project Futures, an incredible charity who aim to give hope to a world without human trafficking, slavery, and the exploitation of humans worldwide. Project Futures empower people to take action against these horrific issues, and generate funds to support projects in the Asia-Pacific region that help prevent those affected.
Project Futures recently held an event to raise funds for the only supported accommodation service for trafficked victims in Australia. By hosting a silent auction, Project Futures managed to raise over $20,000!
The money will directly assist women to overcome extreme disadvantage through a comprehensive supported accommodation service, complex case management and give help to navigate complex legal systems and social structures. Here, case managers work with individuals to empower and strengthen women’s abilities; working toward a full realisation of their human rights.
Here are a few snaps from the event!

Want to know more about why human trafficking needs to be addressed?
“Human trafficking is the recruitment of persons through force, coercion, deception or abduction for the purpose of exploitation. Victims are then enslaved and found working in industries including construction, hospitality, the sex industry, agriculture and domestic work in households.” Sadly, human trafficking is the fastest growing crime industry.
Right now, there are over 45.8 million people enslaved worldwide, and over 2 million children will be sold in the next year.
Project Futures supports multiple projects to empower women and children affected by this horrific issue. To find out more about their work and to donate, check out their website here.